Following the Virtual Nematology Conference in May of 2021 (VNC2021), we recognized that few opportunities exist for young nematologists to participate in networking events, seminars, short courses, and workshops that can be attended remotely. Therefore, we established the YNN with the support of Geert Smant and the European society of Nematologists.
The YNN is established and currently organized by a joint effort of several early career nematologists from different countries and universities.
Board member - 2nd Generation
The Crop Science Centre, University of Cambridge
Plant-parasite Interactions Group
Ghent University
Department of Biotechnology
Board member - 2nd Generation
Wageningen University and Research
Laboratory of Nematology
University of Cambridge
Plant-Parasite/Pathogen Interactions group
Board member - 2nd Generation
Wageningen University and Research
Laboratory of Nematology
Board member - 2nd Generation
INRES, University of Bonn
Molecular Phytomedicine
Harper Adams University
Crop and Environment Sciences
Board member - 2nd Generation
The Crop Science Centre, University of Cambridge
Plant-parasite Interactions Group
Board member - 2nd Generation
Ghent University
Laboratory of epigenetics and plant defense
Board member - 2nd Generation
Harper Adams University
Board member - 2nd Generation
Wageningen University and Research
Laboratory of Nematology
Julius Kuhn Institut
Institute for Epidemiology and Pathogen Diagnostics
University of Leeds
Plant Nematology, Center of Plant Sciences
Wageningen University and Research
Laboratory of Nematology
Wageningen University and Research
Laboratory of Nematology
University of Copenhagen and Wageningen University and Research
Department of Biology - Terrestrial Ecology and Laboratory of Nematology
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